How to Install Ubuntu Server on VMware ESXi Using VMware Client Browser


Installing Ubuntu Server on VMware ESXi lets you run a Linux server in a virtual environment. VMware ESXi is a tool that helps you create and manage many virtual machines on one physical server. Using the ESXi web client, you can easily set up and install Ubuntu Server, which is a strong operating system for running apps and managing data. This simple guide will show you how to create a virtual machine, install Ubuntu Server, and get your server working quickly.

What is VMware ESXi?

VMware ESXi is a software that lets you run many virtual computers (called virtual machines or VMs) on one physical server. It divides the server’s resources like memory, storage, and processing power so each virtual machine can run its own programs and operating system. This helps businesses save space and money because they can use one server to do the job of many.

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